/* =================================== About ====================================== */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------- Theme Name: Trax Theme URI: Author: Themes Industry Author URI: Description: One Page , Multi Parallax Template Tags: one page, multi page, multipurpose, parallax, creative, html5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //PAGE LOADER $(window).on("load", function () { "use strict"; $(".loader").fadeOut(800); $('.side-menu').removeClass('opacity-0'); }); jQuery($=> { "use strict"; let $window = $(window); let body = $("body"); let $root = $("html, body"); $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); //contact us $("#submit_btn1 , #submit_btn").on('click', function () { let userName = $('#name1').val(); let userEmail = $('#email1').val(); let userMessage = $('#message1').val(); let result; if(this.id === 'submit_btn'){ result = $('#result'); userMessage = $('#companyName').val(); userName = $('#userName').val(); userEmail = $('#email').val(); } else{ result = $('#result1'); } //simple validation at client's end let postData, output; let proceed = true; if (userName === "") { proceed = false; } if (userEmail === "") { proceed = false; } if (userMessage === "") { proceed = false; } //everything looks good! proceed... if (proceed) { //data to be sent to server postData = { 'userName': userName, 'userEmail': userEmail, 'userMessage': userMessage }; //Ajax post data to server $.post('contact.php', postData, function (response) { //load json data from server and output message if (response.type === 'error') { output = '
' + response.text + '
'; } else { output = '
' + response.text + '
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Please provide the missing fields.
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Refer to Animate.css for a list of available animations. animation: "flipInX", // An array of phrases to rotate are created based on this separator. Change it if you wish to separate the phrases differently (e.g. So Simple | Very Doge | Much Wow | Such Cool). separator: ",", // The delay between the changing of each phrase in milliseconds. speed: 3500, complete: function () { // Called after the entrance animation is executed. } }); } /* ===================================== Parallax And responsive plugins initialize ====================================== */ let $tooltip = $('.tooltip'); $(()=> { $tooltip.tooltipster({ plugins: ['follower'], anchor: 'bottom-right', offset: [0, 0], animation: 'fade', content:'Click Here To Close or Press ESC!', delay: 20, theme: 'tooltipster-light', repositionOnScroll: true, // change the content of tooltip in all pages // functionBefore: function (instance, helper) { // instance.content('Click Here To Close or Press ESC!'); // } }); }); /*Wow Animations*/ if ($(".wow").length && $(window).outerWidth() >= 567) { let wow = new WOW({ boxClass: 'wow', animateClass: 'animated', offset: 0, mobile: false, live: true }); 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/* ------ OWL Slider ------ */ /*Partners / LOgo*/ $("#partners-slider").owlCarousel({ items: 5, autoplay: 1500, smartSpeed: 1500, autoplayHoverPause: true, slideBy: 1, loop: true, margin: 30, dots: false, nav: false, responsive: { 1200: { items: 5, }, 991: { items: 4, }, 767: { items: 3, }, 480: { items: 2, }, 0: { items: 1, }, } }); /*Testimonials*/ $("#testimonial-slider").owlCarousel({ items: 1, autoplay: false, autoplayHoverPause: true, mouseDrag: false, loop: true, margin: 30, animateIn: "fadeIn", animateOut: "fadeOut", dots: false, nav: true, navText: ["", ""], responsive: { 980: { items: 1, }, 600: { items: 1, }, 320: { items: 1, }, } }); //gallery detail slider $("#carousel-gallery-detail").owlCarousel({ items: 1, autoplay: false, mouseDrag: true, loop: true, margin: 0, dots: false, nav: true, responsive: { 980: { items: 1, }, 600: { items: 1, }, 320: { items: 1, }, } }); //main slider in pages $("#testimonial-main-slider").owlCarousel({ items: 3, autoplay: 2500, autoplayHoverPause: true, loop: true, margin: 0, dots: true, nav: false, responsive: { 1280: { items: 3, }, 980: { items: 3, }, 600: { items: 2, }, 320: { items: 1, }, } }); 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}); syncChild.on("click", ".owl-item", function () { let number = $(this).index(); syncCarousel.trigger("to.owl.carousel", number, 300); $(this).siblings().removeClass('synced'); $(this).addClass("synced"); }); //fancybox for shop $('#syncCarousel [data-fancybox]').fancybox({ 'transitionIn': 'elastic', 'transitionOut': 'elastic', 'speedIn': 600, 'speedOut': 200, buttons: [ 'slideShow', 'fullScreen', 'thumbs', 'share', 'download', 'zoom', 'close' ], afterShow: function () { let number = this.index; $(syncChild).add(syncCarousel).trigger("to.owl.carousel", number, 300); $('#syncChild .owl-item').removeClass("synced").eq(number).addClass('synced'); } }); //hover effect on shop detail slider image : zooming effect $("#syncCarousel .item").on('mousemove', function (e) { $(this).find('img').css({ 'transform-origin': ((e.pageX - $(this).offset().left) / $(this).width()) * 100 + '% ' + ((e.pageY - $(this).offset().top) / $(this).height()) * 100 + '%' }); }); /* --------- gallery hover effect ---------- */ $("#carousel-gallery-detail .item").on('mousemove', function (e) { $(this).find('img').css({ 'transform-origin': ((e.pageX - $(this).offset().left) / $(this).width()) * 100 + '% ' + ((e.pageY - $(this).offset().top) / $(this).height()) * 100 + '%' }); }); /* ----------- Counters ---------- */ $(".counters").appear(function () { $(".count_nums").countTo(); }); /* -------copy right year maker------ */ let copyYear = new Date().getFullYear(); let copyText = $('#year , #year1'); if (copyYear === 2019) { copyText.text(copyYear); } else { copyText.text('2019-' + copyYear); } /* ===================================== Coming Soon Count Down ====================================== */ let countDown = $(".count_down"); if (countDown.length) { countDown.downCount({ // month / day / Year date: '2/21/2021 12:00:00', offset: +10 }); } /* ===================================== pagePiling parallax Index ====================================== */ let pagePiling = $('#pagepiling'); if ($(pagePiling).length) { $(pagePiling).pagepiling({ onLeave: function (index, nextIndex, direction) { let i = index; let lastIndex = $('#pagepiling section:last').index(); if (direction === 'down') { $('#para-menu li a').removeClass('current'); $('#para-menu li').eq(i).children().addClass('current'); 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/* ===================================== Revolution Slider ====================================== */ /* -----Main Index Slider------ */ $("#rev_main").show().revolution({ sliderType: "standard", jsFileLocation: "js/revolution/", sliderLayout: "fullscreen", dottedOverlay: "none", delay: 9000, navigation: { keyboardNavigation: "off", keyboard_direction: "horizontal", mouseScrollNavigation: "off", mouseScrollReverse: "default", onHoverStop: "off", touch: { touchenabled: "on", swipe_threshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 1, swipe_direction: "horizontal", drag_block_vertical: false }, bullets: { enable: true, hide_onmobile: true, style: "numbered", hide_onleave: false, hide_under: 767, direction: "vertical", h_align: "left", v_align: "center", h_offset: 20, v_offset: 0, space: 5, tmp: '
' }, arrows: { style: "", enable: false, } }, viewPort: { enable: true, outof: "pause", visible_area: "80%", presize: false }, responsiveLevels: [1240, 1024, 778, 480], visibilityLevels: [1240, 1024, 778, 480], gridwidth: [1140, 1024, 768, 480], gridheight: [660, 650, 600, 490], lazyType: "none", parallax: { type: "mouse", origo: "slidercenter", speed: 2000, speedbg: 0, speedls: 0, levels: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 25, 55], disable_onmobile: "on" }, shadow: 0, spinner: "off", stopLoop: "off", stopAfterLoops: -1, stopAtSlide: -1, shuffle: "off", autoHeight: "off", hideThumbsOnMobile: "off", hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLimit: 0, debugMode: false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll: "off", nextSlideOnWindowFocus: "off", disableFocusListener: false, } }); //revolution slider arrows $("#rev_arrows").show().revolution({ sliderType: "standard", jsFileLocation: "js/revolution/", sliderLayout: "fullscreen", autoHeight: 'off', dottedOverlay: "none", delay: 9000, navigation: { keyboardNavigation: "off", keyboard_direction: "horizontal", mouseScrollNavigation: "off", mouseScrollReverse: "default", onHoverStop: "on", touch: { touchenabled: "on", swipe_threshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 1, swipe_direction: "horizontal", drag_block_vertical: false }, arrows: { style: "zeus", enable: true, hide_onmobile: true, hide_under: 600, hide_onleave: true, hide_delay: 200, hide_delay_mobile: 1200, tmp: '
', left: { h_align: "left", v_align: "center", h_offset: 30, v_offset: 0 }, right: { h_align: "right", v_align: "center", h_offset: 30, v_offset: 0 } } }, viewPort: { enable: true, outof: "pause", visible_area: "80%", presize: false }, responsiveLevels: [1240, 1024, 778, 480], visibilityLevels: [1240, 1024, 778, 480], gridwidth: [1140, 1024, 768, 480], gridheight: [668, 650, 600, 490], lazyType: "none", parallax: { type: "mouse", origo: "slidercenter", speed: 2000, speedbg: 0, speedls: 0, levels: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 25, 55], disable_onmobile: "on" }, shadow: 0, spinner: "off", stopLoop: "off", stopAfterLoops: -1, stopAtSlide: -1, shuffle: "off", hideThumbsOnMobile: "off", hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0, debugMode: false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll: "off", nextSlideOnWindowFocus: "off", disableFocusListener: false, } }); //interactive classic revolution slider let indexPort = new $("#rev_interactive").show().revolution({ sliderType: "carousel", jsFileLocation: "js/revolution/", sliderLayout: "fullscreen", dottedOverlay: "none", delay: 9000, navigation: { keyboardNavigation: "off", keyboard_direction: "horizontal", mouseScrollNavigation: "off", mouseScrollReverse: "default", onHoverStop: "off", touch: { touchenabled: "on", swipe_threshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 1, swipe_direction: "horizontal", drag_block_vertical: false }, bullets: { style: "", enable: true, hide_onmobile: true, hide_under: 480, hide_onleave: false, hide_delay: 200, direction: "horizontal", space: 10, h_align: "center", v_align: "bottom", h_offset: 0, v_offset: 30 }, arrows: { style: "", enable: false, } }, viewPort: { enable: true, outof: "pause", visible_area: "80%", presize: false }, responsiveLevels: [1240, 1024, 778, 480], visibilityLevels: [1240, 1024, 778, 480], gridwidth: [1140, 1024, 768, 480], gridheight: [660, 650, 600, 490], lazyType: "none", parallax: { type: "mouse", origo: "slidercenter", speed: 2000, speedbg: 0, speedls: 0, levels: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 25, 55], disable_onmobile: "on" }, shadow: 0, spinner: "off", stopLoop: "off", stopAfterLoops: -1, stopAtSlide: -1, shuffle: "off", autoHeight: "off", hideThumbsOnMobile: "off", hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLimit: 0, debugMode: false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll: "off", nextSlideOnWindowFocus: "off", disableFocusListener: false, } }); indexPort.on('revolution.slide.onchange', function (event, data) { let slideIndex = data.slideIndex; slideIndex--; $('.tp-bullets').find('.tp-bullet').eq(slideIndex).addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); setTimeout(function () { $('.tp-bullets').find('.tp-bullet').eq(slideIndex).addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected'); }, 300); }); //single item indexes $("#rev_single").show().revolution({ sliderType: "hero", jsFileLocation: "js/revolution", sliderLayout: "fullscreen", scrollbarDrag: "true", dottedOverlay: "none", delay: 9000, navigation: {}, responsiveLevels: [1240, 1024, 778, 480], visibilityLevels: [1240, 1024, 778, 480], gridwidth: [1170, 1024, 778, 480], gridheight: [868, 768, 960, 720], lazyType: "none", parallax: { type: "scroll", origo: "slidercenter", speed: 400, levels: [10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, -10, -15, -20, -25, -30, -35, -40, -45, 55] }, shadow: 0, spinner: "off", autoHeight: "off", fullScreenAutoWidth: "off", fullScreenAlignForce: "off", fullScreenOffsetContainer: "", disableProgressBar: "on", hideThumbsOnMobile: "off", hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0, debugMode: false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll: "off", disableFocusListener: false } }); 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//Design Studio Index $("#rev_slider_8_1").show().revolution({ sliderType: "standard", jsFileLocation: "//localhost/revslider/revslider/public/assets/js/", sliderLayout: "fullscreen", dottedOverlay: "none", delay: 9000, navigation: { keyboardNavigation: "off", keyboard_direction: "horizontal", mouseScrollNavigation: "off", mouseScrollReverse: "default", onHoverStop: "on", touch: { touchenabled: "on", touchOnDesktop: "off", swipe_threshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 50, swipe_direction: "horizontal", drag_block_vertical: false }, arrows: { style: "uranus", enable: true, hide_onmobile: true, hide_under: 600, hide_onleave: true, hide_delay: 200, hide_delay_mobile: 1200, tmp: '
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' }, touch: { touchenabled: "on", swipe_threshold: 75, swipe_min_touches: 1, swipe_direction: "horizontal", drag_block_vertical: false }, }, viewPort: { enable: true, outof: "pause", visible_area: "90%", presize: true }, responsiveLevels: [4096, 1200, 778, 480], gridwidth: [1140, 1024, 750, 480], gridheight: [600, 500, 500, 350], lazyType: "none", parallax: { type: "mouse", origon: "slidercenter", speed: 9000, levels: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 16, 10, 50], }, shadow: 0, spinner: "off", stopLoop: "off", stopAfterLoops: -1, stopAtSlide: -1, shuffle: "off", autoHeight: "off", hideThumbsOnMobile: "off", hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 360, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 360, debugMode: false, fallbacks: { simplifyAll: "off", nextSlideOnWindowFocus: "off", disableFocusListener: false, } }); // end of js });